Healthy Mourning for Womb Twins and Multiples

This 7- week, 21-hour, on-line, certificate program is designed for womb twins or multiples, parents of womb twins and multiples or any individual who is inspired to work with womb twins or multiples.

This program gives Womb Twins, Multiples, and their Parents a new way to work through the issues that come up from having lived with this reality.  Together we uncover the secrets, normalize the experiences and discover an authentic way of being in the world.  

 Training includes:

  • Module 1: Basics of Being a Womb Twin or Multiple;
  • Module 2: Beyond the Basics;
  • Module 3. Grief Avoidance and Personality Profiles;
  • Module 4: The Grief Journey for a Womb Twin, Multiple or Parent;
  • Module 5: Building Relationship;
  • Module 6: Self-Care, Nurturing and Resilience;
  • Module 7: Next Steps

Program Outcome: Participants feel affirmed, validated, comfortable, and confident in their new found understanding.  They feel confident in the healing steps they have discovered, and ready to take them so that they may embrace the life that awaits them.     

Prerequisite for Training: There are no prerequisites for this training.  

Next Training: January 14- February 25,  2022

Cost: $550.00 US 

Special pricing available for organizations



Jen S..

Hospice Care Coordinator, Greater Trail Hospice, BC Canada


Maria encourages her students to fully listen to what is not being said.  And to not rush in to fix.  Trust in the Process.

 Jo D.,

County Kildare, Ireland


Great wealth of knowledge and experience that is really helping me.

Nancy G.

New Denver, BC Canada


I love Maria's work.  I have learned so much from her courses.